
Devil's Gate (2017)

Set in the small town of Devil's Gate, North Dakota, the film examines the disappearance of a local woman (Regan) and her young son. Schull plays an FBI agent who helps the local sheriff (Frakes) search for answers. Partnering with a deputy (Ashmore), they track down the missing woman's husband (Ventimiglia) and find that nothing is as it seems.

FBI Special Agent Daria Francis is assigned to travel to Devil's Gate, a small town in North Dakota, to investigate the disappearance of Maria Pritchard and her son Jonah. Her prime suspect is the husband and father Jackson Pritchard, who lives in a farm in the middle of nowhere. However Sheriff Gruenwell asks Francis to let Jackson alone since he would be a good man. Deputy Conrad 'Colt' Salter heads with Francis to interview Maria's sister and she leaves her house convinced that Jackson may be hiding them. When they arrive at his farm, Jackson assaults Maria and she enters the house to investigate, and finds a weird thing. What is Jackson hiding?

Director: Clay Staub
Writers: Peter Aperlo, Clay Staub
Stars: Milo Ventimiglia, Amanda Schull, Bridget Regan 


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